Chair’s Corner: Your Chance to Serve

Donna headshot_bylineEvery year at this time, the SAFE Governance Committee begins preparations for the annual election of SAFE Board members. SAFE seeks board members who have special knowledge, skills, and abilities they can share with the organization. Most importantly, we are looking for individuals who are passionate about making a difference and having an impact on the growth of the organization. Having a nine-member Board of Directors brings multiple perspectives to any challenge or initiative, and this election process offers anyone the opportunity to share your knowledge and talents and to shape the organization and the education initiatives that are important to all of us.

The annual election of board members is an important part of the culture of SAFE. By design, the elections promote an open board of directors. Current board members may run for re-election, but they must take a break after two terms. This policy ensures that new views, perspectives, and talents are continually brought to the board.

The SAFE by-laws are written so that three directors are elected each year to serve a three-year term. Current directors Kevin Murphy, Michael Phillips and Parvez Dara have terms that will expire in July 2016. I’d like to thank them for their contributions to the management of SAFE.
SAFE is blessed with many talented members, so if you are interested in running for a position on the board, or you know someone that you would like to nominate for consideration, the opportunity to do so is fast approaching.

My own personal story illustrates the importance of the election process. I was involved in aviation in my job and in my local community. When I learned about SAFE, I realized it was an opportunity to make a positive difference in aviation at a national level. The election process allowed me an opportunity to get involved, even though, at the time, I didn’t know anyone else involved in SAFE.

For professional educators, serving on the board of a professional organization is one of the activities that defines “a professional.” Promotion criteria in many institutions often includes serving on the governing board of a national professional as in my case as a college professor.

So, when the call goes out for members to run for a director position, it is my hope that you will seriously consider this opportunity to serve.

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