Chair’s Corner

Donna headshot_bylineSAFE puts a lot of emphasis on our presence at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, as does the whole general aviation industry. If you are attending AirVenture, I hope to see you there. While there, please visit with our sponsors, come by the SAFE booth in Building B, and sign up for the SAFE Annual Meeting and Dinner.

AirVenture, which focuses on general aviation and sport aviation, is only one week a year. I know many of our members will not be able to attend due to financial considerations or other obligations. SAFE members are working as educators and instructors all year ‘round, and taking off to go to Oshkosh just may not be an option this year. I know I didn’t make the trip regularly until I became a Director at SAFE.

With our virtual presence, the benefits of SAFE are there for our members whereever they are, not just at AirVenture. A few of these benefits are “SAFE, the magazine”; a free subscription to “Flying” magazine, discounts on products you use; CFI insurance; access to resources; and a voice on your behalf.

If you have never been to AirVenture, I recommend you come and experience it at least once. As educators, you can learn more in one day than in months of searching the Internet. You can network and share ideas with others in all facets of aviation education.

“One of these days I want to go to Oshkosh.” I hope to see you this year. If not, then maybe next year

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